Luke 21:8

Christian, Be Not Deceived!

Third Angel's Message

Nature of Man, State of the Dead, and the Delusion of Spiritualism [1]

by Álfred F. J. Kranz


1. Man was not created immortal. The continuation of his life was dependent upon his obedience to God. 

Psalm 8:5. Man was made a little lower than the angels.

Genesis 2:17. Adam's life was dependent upon his obedience to God.

Genesis 3:4. Satan contradicted God's words.

Genesis 3:19. Nevertheless the sentence of God was pronounced.

Genesis 3:23-24. Through sin, man was deprived of eternal life. 

2. At his creation no part of man was immortal, and therefore he does not now possess immortality. 

Genesis 2:7. How man was made. An animated body = a living soul or person. Cf. Numbers 6:6 (Body = soul). Genesis 14:21; Numbers 5:6; Numbers 31:19, etc. The word “soul” in Genesis 2:7 signifies “person” or “being” as in Genesis 14:21, Numbers 5:6, where it is translated “person.” In Numbers 6:6 the same word is rendered “body,” and indicates that without the breath of life man is a dead soul or body. The breath of life is not immortal. [For more info see Strong's H5315.]

Genesis 7:21-22. All living things possess the breath of life.

Ecclesiastes 3:19. Beasts have the same breath of life as man. It would be ridiculous to attribute immortality to the animals.

Job 27:3. The breath of life is the spirit of God, or the life-giving activity of God.

Ecclesiastes 12:7. At death the spirit (the breath) returns to God. This does not indicate, however, that it exists as a conscious entity living apart from the body. The text merely informs us that what came from God in the beginning returns again into God's keeping. In the resurrection the breath of life will again give life to the new body which God will create. The living soul is not immortal.

Genesis 1:20-21, The animal creation are all described as living [Verse 24, 30] (marg.) souls.

Revelation 16:3. A living soul may die. Therefore it cannot be immortal.

Ezekiel 18:20. The soul that sins will die.

Isaiah 53:12. Jesus poured out His soul (life) unto death. 

3. The testimony of the whole Bible is to the fact of the mortality of man.

(a) The word “immortal” occurs only once in the Bible, and is there applied to God. 1 Timothy 1:17.

(b) The word “mortal” occurs six times in the Bible, and in every instance is applied to man. Job. 4:17. 2 Chronicles 14:11 (margin). Romans 6:12. Romans 8:11. 2 Corinthians 4:11. 1 Corinthians 15:53-54. Alongside each text write the noun qualified by the word “mortal.”

(c) The word “Immortality” occurs five times in the Bible, and is applied either to God or to the future state of man. Read the following texts, and write the usage of the word alongside of each:1 Corinthians 15:53. 1 Corinthians 15:54. 1 Timothy 6:16. Romans 2:7. 2 Timothy 1:10. 

4. Man can obtain immortality only through Christ. 

2 Timothy 1:10. Christ has brought immortality to light through the gospel.

Romans 2:7. We are to seek for it.

John 3:16. It is given to the believer only.

1 John 5:12. There is no life except in Christ.

2 Timothy 4:8. Immortal life is bestowed when Christ comes.

1 Corinthians 15:51-54. Believers are changed to immortality at Christ's return. 

MEMORIZE: 2 Timothy 1:10. 

Questions on the Nature of Man

1. Prove that Adam and Eve were not created immortal. 
2. Describe the creation of man. Show that there was no immortal part in his nature. 
3. What is “the breath of life”? a “living soul”? 
4. Explain the uses of the words “mortal” and “immortal” in the Bible. 
5. How is the word “immortality” used in Scripture? 
6. How only can man become immortal? Explain. 
7. Give proof that immortality will not be bestowed till the Second Advent. 
8. How is the word “soul” used in the Bible? 
9. Can the-soul die? 
10. What is the “spirit”?  

For Further Study Read: “Great Controversy,” chapter 33.


1. In the Bible death is compared to sleep.

John 11:11-14. Christ referred to death as a sleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:13. “Them which are asleep.”

Daniel 12:2. The dead sleep in the, dust of the earth.

2. The sleep of the dead, both of the righteous and of the wicked, is in absolute unconsciousness.

Ecclesiastes 9:5. The dead know nothing.

Ecclesiastes 9:6. The dead are unconscious and ignorant of every thing that occurs under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 9:10. There is no mental or physical activity in death.

Psalm 115:17. The departed are not in heaven praising God.

Acts 2:34. Even David is not in heaven.

Job. 14:21. The dead have no knowledge of their closest friends.

Psalm 146:3-4. The thoughts of the departed are no more.

Psalm 6:5. God is [not] known by the dead.

3. All who are sleeping the sleep of death will be awakened to life at the appointed time of resurrection.

Job 14:14. The dead must wait their appointed time till their change come.

Job 17:13. The place of waiting is in the grave.

Job 14:12. The appointed time will last till the heavens be no more.

1 Corinthians 15:22-23. All will be made alive, irrespective of character.

1 Corinthians 15:16-18. Unless there is a resurrection the righteous dead will perish. This is conclusive evidence that the righteous dead are not now living.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52. The righteous will be raised at the Second Advent. See 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

Luke 14:14. This resurrection at the Second Advent is the resurrection of the just. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. Paul describes the change that will take place at the resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:53-54. At the resurrection of the just the righteous are immortalized.

Revelation 20:6. The second death will have no power on those who are raised in the first resurrection.

Revelation 20:4-5. The unrighteous will be raised at the close of the millennium.

Acts 24:15. This will be the resurrection of the unjust.

John 5:28-29. Called the resurrection of damnation.

Revelation 20:9. The wicked are raised to be destroyed.

MEMORIZE: Ecclesiastes 9:5-6.

Questions on the State of the Dead:

1. How is death described in the Bible? Give instances.

2. Use half a dozen texts to describe the condition of the dead.

3. For what time do the dead wait? Where do they wait? In what condition do they wait?

4. Will all the dead be brought to life?

5. What would become of the righteous were there no resurrection?

6. What change will occur at the resurrection of the just?

7. Who are immune from the second death?

8. When are the righteous raised to life? What name is given to this resurrection? Are the unrighteous immortal at the resurrection?


1. The Bible definitely and clearly teaches that there is no life for the departed this side of the resurrection, because there is no part of man that is immortal. But the devil has been trying to deceive men with the subtle lie that man does not die.

Genesis 3:3-4. “You shall not surely die.” The first lie told in this world.

John 8:44. Satan is the father of lies.

2. Satan has supported his falsehood that “you shall not surely die” by working through his wicked angels to impersonate the dead, thus making it appear that man's spirit lives on after death.

1 Samuel 28:3, 15. After Samuel's death, Satan impersonated him to Saul, making it appear that Samuel was still alive.

1 Samuel 28:5-6. Saul had been unable to get communications from God. Therefore it is certain that the being who spoke to him was not Samuel, for Samuel had always been God's prophet.

1 Samuel 28:7-14. In order to communicate with the dead, Saul had to practice deception and inquire of a witch.

1 Samuel 28:7, 9. This woman was under the control of a spirit.

Luke 7:21. The spirit which possessed her was an evil spirit.

1 Chronicles 10:13-14 One cause of Saul's death was because he asked counsel of a spirit medium.

3. What is now known as “Spiritualism ... [psychics, mediums]” etc., is the same in principle as the practice of the supposed communication with the dead in ancient times, and is exceedingly displeasing to God.

Deut. 18:9-14. Spirit communications an abomination to God.

Leviticus 20:6. Those who sought familiar spirits were to be cut off from Israel.

Leviticus 20:27. Spirit mediums not to be permitted in Israel.

Isaiah 8:19. We are not to inquire of evil spirits.

Isaiah 8:20. The test of genuineness.

4. Spiritualism will be especially prevalent in the last days of earth's history.

1 Timothy 4:1. A departure from the faith in the latter times.

Revelation 16:13-16 Evil spirits prepare the world for Armageddon.

Revelation 18:2. Babylon, the false church, will become devil possessed.

Revelation 21:8. Those who yield themselves to evil spirits will not enter heaven.

MEMORIZE: Isaiah 8:19-20.

Questions on the Delusion of Spiritualism:

1. What lie was told in Eden? How has this lie been continued?

2. Prove that it was not Samuel who spoke to Saul at Endor.

3. What means does Satan employ to deceive men into believing that the dead can speak?

4. Show that Spiritualism is not a modern invention.

5. How did the Lord show His displeasure with spirit communications?

6. Because of the existence of evil spirits, what are we counseled to do?

7. What does prophecy reveal concerning spiritualism in the last days?

8. Can a spirit medium enter the New Jerusalem?

For Further Study Read: “Great Controversy,” chapter 34; “Early Writings,” pages 59, 60.


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