Luke 21:8

Christian, Be Not Deceived!

Third Angel's Message

Shall we avoid self-proclaimed pundits?

Independent SDA Pundit
Pundit's Conclusion
ReferenceValid ArgumentSound ArgumentCounter-argumentConclusion(Truth)
Timothy Jennings
A New Paradigm about the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Investigative Judgment, and why the Seventh-day Adventist church has languished for over 150 years



Pre-Advent judgment is for His created, unfallen beings. He is omnicient (knows everyones heart, doesn't need to examine records) and omnipotent (doesn't need > 150 years to operate on souls who died trusting Him)
Nader Mansour, et. al.

FALSELinkGodhead = Three (trinity): Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Jeff Pippenger
The 2520 prophecy

FALSELinkThe Bible has no 2520 Prophecy
Robert N. Smith, et. al
(future) Time prophecies in Daniel 12

FALSELinkthe 3 1/2 times, the 1290 and 1335 days are prophetic times in the past
David Gates
Even at the door

FALSELinkprophetic time closed in 1844

Who is Nader Mansour?
Nader Mansour is the thought leader for an independent ministries called 7th Day Home Church/Restitution Ministries. This group has several web sites:


Nader leads the charge with this agenda:
“We are strong Bible believers and endorse ALL that the Bible teaches. The Trinity doctrine is not supported by Scripture and we have a firm and solid foundation for our Anti-Trinitarian focus.”

Who is Jeff Pippenger?

Jeff Pippenger was a construction worker until 1994. For three (3) years (July 1994- July 1997) he was an Associate Editor of Our Firm Foundation magazine published by an independent ministry called Hope International. In Pippenger's own words, he separated from Hope International, "because before long the self-supporting ministry [Hope International] doesn't want anything to do with us because they weren't raised up for the prophetic message. And by 1997 we are out on our own in a self-supporting ministry." Pippenger's obsession with 2520 and his persistence in proselytizing Adventists with his divergent views led to his disfellowhip in 2012.,_Rescue,_CA,_April_28,_2018_-_(VlxiN_UanIE)

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