Luke 21:8

Christian, Be Not Deceived!

Third Angel's Message

Old Testament References in the Book of Revelation

In our current information age with free and ubiquitous access to the Bible, motivation for committing Scripture to memory is diminished. In the absence of those luxuries a man, if he wanted continued access to the Bible, had but one option—commit it to memory. Take for example the apostle John, by way of his over 500 references to the OT in the book of Revelation, written while in exile, illustrates he had committed major portions of Scripture to memory.

Rev 1:4
"Him which is"
Ex 3:14
Gr. ho ōn, “the being [One],” an expression apparently taken from the LXX of Ex. 3:14
"Which was"Ps. 90:2

God has existed from all eternity

Rev 1:5

"First begotten"Ps. 89:27Christ’s position as the Eldest Brother in the family of the redeemed. Though Jesus was not the first to rise from the dead, His resurrection is the only reason anyone is resurrected.
"Prince"Dan 4:17Christ overrules the affairs of earth for the completion of His eternal purpose
"In his own blood"Isa 53:4-6
Christ’s death on the cross was a vicarious sacrifice
Rev 1:7

"Cometh with clouds"Dan 7:13Literary allusion to Dan. 7:13, even if not referring to the same event. — ASB
"Pierced"Zech 12:10Gr. ekkenteō, the same word John used in his Gospel (ch. 19:37) when quoting from Zech. 12:10
"Wail"Jer 8:20Literally, “cut themselves,” ... In a figurative sense, as here, the word comes to a focus on the grief, the remorse of the ungodly (see on Jer. 8:20).
Rev 1:8

"The first and the last"Isa 44:6"... and beside me there is no God."
Rev 1:10

"Lord’s day"Isa 58:13the seventh day, the Sabbath, is the Lord’s special day
Rev 1:13

"The Son of man"Dan 7:13the title “the Son of man,” with the definite article, is used of Christ more than 80 times in the NT
Rev 1:14

"White like wool"Dan 7:9"...the hair of his head like the pure wool"
Rev 1:16

"Twoedged sword"

Gen 3:24,

Prov 5:4

Gr. rhomphaia distomos, literally, “two-mouthed sword.” It is the word used in the LXX for the “sword” God placed at the entrance to Eden
Rev 1:17

"As dead"

Eze. 1:28, 3:23;

Dan. 8:17, 10:7-10;

Acts 9:4; cf. Isa. 1:5

The first effect upon those given a vision of a divine being clad with the glory of heaven, was to deprive them of their usual physical strength. — 7SDABC 
"Fear not"

Eze. 2:1, 2; 3:24;

Dan. 8:18; 10:8-12, 19; cf. Isa. 6:6, 7

Following the loss of natural strength, a prophet was supernaturally strengthened, usually by a touch of the hand. — 7SDABC 
"The first and the last"
Isa 44:6
The expression here used is apparently quoted from Isa. 44:6, and is a direct translation of the Hebrew text and not a quotation from the LXX as in v. 8
Rev 1:18

"He that liveth"Josh 3:10Gr. ho zōn, “the living [One],” apparently from the familiar OT term ’El chai, “living God” (Joshua 3:10; etc.)
Rev 2:2

"Canst not bear"Isa 30:10Too often, now as in former times, the church is prone to “bear,” or endure, evil teachings and practices in its midst, supposedly in the name of peace. — 7SDABC
"Them which are evil"Prov 4:23What a man does is inevitably the result of what he thinks and believes. — 7SDABC
Rev 2:3

"Fainted"Isa 40:31Gr. kopiaō, “to become weary,” “to become tired.” Compare the use of kopiaō in Isa. 40:31, LXX
Rev 2:14

"Balaam"Num 22-24Balaam was concerned about advancing his own interests, not those of God’s people. — 7SDABC
"Sword with two edges"
See on ch. 1:16
Rev 2:16

"Sword of my mouth"
See on ch. 1:16
Rev 2:17

"Hidden manna"Ex 16:33
Some think the allusion here may be to the manna Aaron placed in a pot and preserved in the ark (Ex. 16:33)
"new name"Isa 62:2Here the Christian is promised a “new name,” that is, a new and different character, patterned after that of God (cf. Isa. 62:2)
Rev 2:20

"Jezebel"1 Ki 16:31
Jezebel sponsored the worship of Baal in Israel (1 Kings 21:25)
"Commit fornication … eat things sacrificed"

2 Ki 9:22, 

Eze. 16:15

this represents an admixture of paganism with Christianity
Rev 2:23

"Death"Eze 33:27John may have in mind the LXX of Eze. 33:27, where the significant passage reads “And those in the caves I will kill with death.” Instead of “death” the Hebrew reads “pestilence,” or “plague.” Possibly this is the meaning of “death” in John’s passage. — 7SDABC
"Reins"Ps 7:9That is, the kidneys, which anciently were thought to be the seat of the will and the affections (cf. on Ps. 7:9.)
"Hearts"Ps. 7:9; Jer. 11:20
That is, minds, meaning the intellect. Christ penetrates both the thoughts and the emotions.
Rev 2:24

"This doctrine"
That is, the teachings of Jezebel (see on v. 20).
Rev 2:27

"Rule"Ps 2:9Gr. poimainō, literally, “to shepherd,” and thus “to rule”. The passage is quoted from Ps. 2:9
"Rod"Ps 2:9

Rev 3:5

"Book of life"Isa. 4:3A heavenly register in which are written the names of those whose citizenship is in heaven
Rev 3:7

"He that is holy"Isa. 40:25; Hab. 3:3
This title is equivalent to “the Holy One,” used of God in the OT.
"Key of David"

Isa. 22:20-22; 

2 Kings 18:18

This verse applies Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Eliakim, to Christ (Isa. 22:20-22; see 2 Kings 18:18). Eliakim was appointed to have supervision “over the household” of David, as signified by the fact that he was to be given “the key of the house of David.” Christ’s possession of the “key” represents His jurisdiction over the church and over the divine purpose to be achieved through it (see Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22). — 7SDABC
Rev 3:9

"Come and worship"Isa. 60:14
The words “come and worship before thy feet” are from the LXX of Isa. 60:14 (cf. ch. 49:23). — 7SDABC
"I have loved"Isa 43:4These words are probably taken from Isa. 43:4
Rev 3:18

"Buy of me"Isa 55:1Even she who is penniless may buy (see Isa. 55:1).
Rev 4:3

"Rainbow"Eze 1:26-28Compare Ezekiel’s vision of the throne of God.
Rev 4:4

"Four and twenty elders"Isa. 24:23
This scene is reminiscent of the LXX of Isa. 24:23.
Rev 4:5

"Lightnings and thunderings and voices."

Job 37:4, 5;

Ps. 29:3, 4;

Eze. 1:1

A favorite expression with John (see chs. 8:5; 11:19; 16:18), probably portraying power and majesty. — 7SDABC
Rev 4:6

"Sea of glass"Eze 1:26This description has much in common with Ezekiel’s vision of the throne of God, which rested upon a “firmament” (Eze. 1:26). Here, it represents the clear, crystalline appearance of the surface on which the throne stood. — 7SDABC
"Crystal"Eze 1:22
"Midst of the throne"Eze 1:22, 26
"Beasts"Eze. 1:5-26
Gr. zōa, “living beings.” The word zōa does not indicate to what order of creatures these four belong. However, they closely resemble those of Ezekiel’s vision (see on Eze. 1:5-26), which Ezekiel calls cherubim (ch. 10:20-22). — 7SDABC
"Full of eyes"

Eze. 1:18, 10:12

This may be understood as a symbol of the intelligence and ceaseless vigilance of heavenly beings.
Rev 4:7


Eze. 1:10, 10:14

Here each of the four beings appears with one of the four faces that were characteristic of each of the cherubim in Ezekiel’s vision (see Eze. 1:10; 10:14). — 7SDABC
Rev 4:8

"Six wings"Isa 6:2The cherubim of Ezekiel’s vision each had four wings (Eze. 1:6; 10:21), whereas the seraphim of Isaiah had six (Isa. 6:2). — 7SDABC
"Full of eyes"
See on v. 6.
"Holy, holy, holy"Isa 6:3
This is also the cry of the seraphim in Isaiah’s vision (see on Isa. 6:3).
"Lord God Almighty"
See on ch. 1:8.
"Was, and is, and is to come"
See on ch. 1:4.
Rev 4:9

"Those beasts"
See on v. 6.
"Who liveth for ever"

Joshua 3:10;

Ps. 42:2, 84:2

Compare the OT expression “the living God” (Joshua 3:10; Ps. 42:2; 84:2).

* = Mere Allusions
† = Possible Allusions

The following was obtained from blueletterbible:

* = Mere Allusions
† = Possible Allusions

Rev 1:1 Daniel 2:28-29

Rev 1:4 Isaiah 11:2

Rev 1:5 Genesis 49:11; Psalm 89:27

Rev 1:6 Exd 19:6   †
Rev 1:7 Dan 7:13   †
Rev 1:7 Isa 40:5   †
Rev 1:7 Zec 12:10-14   †
Rev 1:8 Isa 41:4   †
Rev 1:8 Isa 44:6   †
Rev 1:12 Zec 4:2   †
Rev 1:14, 15 Dan 7:9   †
Rev 1:14, 15 Dan 10:5, 6   †
Rev 1:14, 15 Eze 1:27   †
Rev 1:14, 15 Eze 8:2   †
Rev 1:14, 15 Eze 43:2   †
Rev 1:16 Isa 49:2   †
Rev 1:17 Dan 8:17   †
Rev 1:17 Dan 10:8 &c   †
Rev 1:17 Isa 44:6   †
Rev 2:1 Deu 23:14   †
Rev 2:7 Gen 2:9   †
Rev 2:14 Num 25:2   †
Rev 2:14 Num 31:16   †
Rev 2:20 1Ki 16:31   †
Rev 2:20 1Ki 21:23   †
Rev 2:20 2Ki 9:33   †
Rev 2:23 Jer 17:10   †
Rev 2:27 Psa 2:9   †
Rev 3:7 Isa 22:22   †
Rev 3:7 Job 12:14   †
Rev 3:9 Isa 60:14   †
Rev 3:17 Hsa 12:8   †
Rev 3:19 Pro 3:11, 12   †
Rev 3:21 Psa 110:1   †
Rev 4:2, 3 Eze 1:26, 28   †
Rev 4:5 Exd 19:16   †
Rev 4:5 Eze 1:1-28   †
Rev 4:5 Eze 11:1-25   †
Rev 4:5 Isa 6:1-13   †
Rev 4:6 Eze 1:22   †
Rev 4:6 Exd 24:10   †
Rev 4:6 Eze 1:5   †
Rev 4:6 Eze 10:12   †
Rev 4:7 Eze 1:10   †
Rev 4:8 Isa 6:2   †
Rev 5:1 Eze 2:2   †
Rev 5:6 Isa 53:7   †
Rev 5:6 Zec 4:10   †
Rev 5:6 2Ch 16:9   †
Rev 5:8 Psa 141:2   †
Rev 5:10 Exd 19:6   †
Rev 5:11 Dan 7:10   †
Rev 6:8 Eze 14:21   †
Rev 6:12, 13 Isa 24:18, 23   †
Rev 6:12, 13 Isa 13:13   †
Rev 6:12, 13 Hag 2:6   †
Rev 6:12, 13 Joe 2:31   †
Rev 6:12, 13 Isa 34:4 *  
Rev 6:14 Psa 102:26 *  
Rev 6:14 Isa 34:4 *  
Rev 6:15, 16 Isa 2:9 &c   †
Rev 6:15, 16 Isa 2:19 &c   †
Rev 6:15, 16 Hsa 10:8 *  
Rev 6:15, 16 Isa 13:13 *  
Rev 6:15, 16 Psa 110:5 *  
Rev 6:15, 16 Joe 2:11 *  
Rev 7:2, 3 Eze 9:2 &c   †
Rev 7:16 Isa 49:10    
Rev 7:17 Isa 25:8    
Rev 8:3 Lev 16:12 &c *  
Rev 8:3 Exd 30:8   †
Rev 8:3 Psa 141:2 *  
Rev 8:5 Eze 10:2   †
Rev 8:7 Joe 2:30 *  
Rev 8:7 Exd 9:23 *  
Rev 8:8 Exd 7:20   †
Rev 8:11 Jer 9:15 *  
Rev 8:12 Eze 32:7 *  
Rev 9:4 Eze 9:6 *  
Rev 9:6 Jer 8:3 *  
Rev 9:7, 8, 9 Joe 2:4 *  
Rev 9:7, 8, 9 Joe 1:6 *  
Rev 9:7, 8, 9 Joe 2:5 *  
Rev 9:20 Psa 115:4 *  
Rev 9:20 Psa 135:15 *  
Rev 10:2 Eze 2:9 *  
Rev 10:3 Jer 25:30 *  
Rev 10:4 Dan 8:26 *  
Rev 10:5 Dan 12:4, 7, 9 *  
Rev 10:8-11 Eze 2:8 *  
Rev 10:11 Jer 1:9   †
Rev 11:1 Eze 40:3   †
Rev 11:1 Eze 41:13   †
Rev 11:1 Eze 40:47   †
Rev 11:2 Dan 7:25   †
Rev 11:4 Zec 4:3, 11 *  
Rev 11:5 2Ki 1:9-12   †
Rev 11:6 1Ki 17:1 *  
Rev 11:6 Exd 7:20 *  
Rev 11:7 Dan 7:21 *  
Rev 11:10 Est 9:22 *  
Rev 11:15 Dan 2:44   †
Rev 11:15 Dan 7:14 *  
Rev 11:18 Psa 2:1-5 *  
Rev 11:18 Psa 46:6 *  
Rev 11:18 Dan 7:10, 22   †
Rev 11:18 Psa 115:13   †
Rev 11:18 Dan 11:44   †
Rev 12:1, 2 Mic 4:9, 10   †
Rev 12:1, 2 Isa 66:7   †
Rev 12:3 Dan 7:7 *  
Rev 12:4 Dan 8:10   †
Rev 12:5 Isa 66:7 *  
Rev 12:5 Psa 2:10   †
Rev 12:6 Dan 7:25   †
Rev 12:7 Dan 10:13, 21   †
Rev 12:7 Dan 12:1   †
Rev 12:14 Dan 7:25   †
Rev 12:14 Dan 12:7   †
Rev 13:1 Dan 7:3, 7   †
Rev 13:2 Dan 7:5, 6 *  
Rev 13:5, 6 Dan 7:8 *  
Rev 13:5, 6 Dan 7:25 *  
Rev 13:7 Dan 8:10, 24   †
Rev 13:7 Dan 5:19 *  
Rev 13:7 Dan 2:37 *  
Rev 13:10 Isa 14:2 *  
Rev 13:10 Gen 9:6 *  
Rev 13:14 Dan 3:1-30   †
Rev 14:1 Psa 2:6 *  
Rev 14:1 Isa 59:20 *  
Rev 14:5 Psa 32:2 *  
Rev 14:8 Isa 21:9 *  
Rev 14:8 Jer 51:8 *  
Rev 14:8 Dan 4:27   †
Rev 14:10 Psa 75:9   †
Rev 14:10 Isa 51:22 *  
Rev 14:10 Jer 25:15 *  
Rev 14:11 Isa 34:10 *  
Rev 14:14 Dan 7:13 *  
Rev 14:14 Isa 19:1   †
Rev 14:15 Joe 3:13 *  
Rev 14:19, 20 Joe 3:13 *  
Rev 14:19, 20 Isa 63:3 *  
Rev 14:19, 20 Lam 1:15 *  
Rev 15:2 Eze 1:22 *  
Rev 15:3 Exd 15:11 *  
Rev 15:4 Jer 10:6    
Rev 15:4 Psa 86:9    
Rev 15:7 Eze 10:7 *  
Rev 15:8 Eze 10:4 *  
Rev 15:8 Isa 6:4 *  
Rev 15:8 1Ki 8:11 *  
Rev 16:2 Eze 10:2   †
Rev 16:2 Exd 9:10   †
Rev 16:3, 4 Exd 7:19, 20   †
Rev 16:6 Exd 7:21   †
Rev 16:6 Eze 16:38   †
Rev 16:10 Exd 10:22   †
Rev 16:12 Isa 11:15, 16   †
Rev 16:12 Jer 50:38   †
Rev 16:14, 16 Zep 3:8   †
Rev 16:14, 16 Joe 3:2   †
Rev 16:14, 16 Zec 14:2   †
Rev 16:21 Exd 9:24, 34   †
Rev 17:1 Jer 51:13 *  
Rev 17:2 Jer 51:7 *  
Rev 17:3 Dan 7:7, 8, 25   †
Rev 17:4 Jer 51:7   †
Rev 17:8 Dan 7:11   †
Rev 17:12 Dan 7:20, 24 *  
Rev 17:14 Dan 8:25 *  
Rev 17:15 Isa 8:7 *  
Rev 17:15 Jer 51:42 *  
Rev 18:2 Isa 21:9    
Rev 18:2 Jer 51:8 *  
Rev 18:2 Isa 13:21 *  
Rev 18:3 Jer 51:7    
Rev 18:3 Nah 3:4 *  
Rev 18:4 Isa 52:11 *  
Rev 18:4 Jer 50:8 *  
Rev 18:4 Jer 51:6, 9, 45 *  
Rev 18:6 Jer 50:15, 29 *  
Rev 18:6 Psa 137:8 *  
Rev 18:7, 8 Isa 47:7 &c *  
Rev 18:7, 8 Jer 50:31 *  
Rev 18:11 Eze 27:1-36 *  
Rev 18:11 Isa 23:1-18 *  
Rev 18:18 Isa 34:10 *  
Rev 18:20 Isa 44:23 *  
Rev 18:20 Jer 51:48 *  
Rev 18:21 Jer 51:63, 64 *  
Rev 18:22 Isa 24:8 *  
Rev 18:22 Jer 7:34 *  
Rev 18:22 Jer 25:10 *  
Rev 18:23 Isa 23:8 *  
Rev 18:24 Jer 51:49 *  
Rev 19:2 Deu 32:4, 43 *  
Rev 19:3 Isa 34:10 *  
Rev 19:5 Psa 135:1, 20 *  
Rev 19:5 Psa 115:13 *  
Rev 19:8 Psa 45:14 *  
Rev 19:8 Isa 61:10 *  
Rev 19:11 Psa 72:2 &c   †
Rev 19:12 Dan 10:6 *  
Rev 19:13 Isa 63:1 *  
Rev 19:15 Psa 2:9 *  
Rev 19:15 Lam 1:15 *  
Rev 19:15 Isa 63:3 *  
Rev 19:17, 18 Isa 34:6   †
Rev 19:17, 18 Eze 39:17-20 *  
Rev 19:19 Psa 2:2 *  
Rev 19:20 Isa 30:33   †
Rev 19:20 Dan 7:11, 26   †
Rev 20:4 Dan 9:22, 27   †
Rev 21:1 Isa 65:17 *  
Rev 21:2 Eze 40:1-49; 48:1-35 &c   †
Rev 21:3 Eze 37:27 *  
Rev 21:4 Isa 25:8 *  
Rev 21:4 Isa 65:19 *  
Rev 21:5 Isa 43:19 *  
Rev 21:6 Isa 55:1 *  
Rev 21:10 Eze 40:2 *  
Rev 21:12 Eze 48:31 *  
Rev 21:15 Zec 2:1 *  
Rev 21:15 Eze 40:3 *  
Rev 21:19 Isa 54:11, 12 *  
Rev 21:23 Isa 60:19 *  
Rev 21:23 Eze 48:35   †
Rev 21:24, 25 Isa 60:3, 11, 20 *  
Rev 21:27 Isa 52:1 *  
Rev 21:27 Eze 44:9 *  
Rev 22:1, 2 Zec 14:8 *  
Rev 22:1, 2 Eze 47:1, 7, 12 *  
Rev 22:3 Zec 14:11   †
Rev 22:5 Isa 24:23 *  
Rev 22:5 Isa 60:19 *  
Rev 22:5 Eze 48:35 *  
Rev 22:10 Dan 8:26   †
Rev 22:10 Dan 12:4   †
Rev 22:12 Isa 40:10 *  
Rev 22:13 Isa 41:4 *  
Rev 22:13 Isa 44:6 *  
Rev 22:16 Isa 11:1, 10 *  
Rev 22:17 Isa 55:1 *  
Rev 22:18 Deu 4:2 *  
Rev 22:18 Deu 12:32 *  
Rev 22:20 Hab 2:3   †

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