Luke 21:8

Christian, Be Not Deceived!

Third Angel's Message

Take Heed Series

by Brian Willard (Author) , Kevin Siver (Editor)

The Take Heed Series is to stimulate assessment of one's worldview. For everyone has a worldview (i.e., where we came from?, why are we here?, where are we going?). Whereas the content of this series is targeted at Christians, it has the goal of being relevant to everyone who is interested to increase confidence in their worldview.

1. [Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1742)]
2. [White, E. G. (1981). Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96]. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate.]
3. [As J. Orville Iverson would say each week at the beginning a Voice of Prophecy (VOP) radio broadcast. (This was Iverson's allusion to Matthew 3:2-3 combined with the fact VOP, similar to John the Baptist, was broadcasting a minority message.)]
4. [Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Revelation 11:2, 11:3, 12:6, 12:14, 13:5]
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