Luke 21:8

Christian, Be Not Deceived!

Third Angel's Message

And what is it [righteousness by faith] to believe? It is to fully accept that Jesus Christ died as our sacrifice; that He became the curse for us, took our sins upon Himself, and imputed unto us His own righteousness. Therefore we claim this righteousness of Christ, we believe it, and it is our righteousness. He is our Saviour. He saves us because He said He would. Are we going to go into all the explanations as to how He can save us? Do we have the goodness in ourselves that will make us better and cleanse us from the spots and stains of sin, enabling us then to come to God? We simply cannot do it. —White, E. G. (1979). Faith and Works. p. 70, Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association.

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.  — 1 Th 5:4



Brian A. Willard 2017

References: .

Early in my Christian walk I was somewhat perplexed about how to "put on the new man" with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I had ran across a couple of books written by Morris Venden. At the time, I thought his books were most enlightening and helpful in pursuing the Christian walk. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that Venden's theology could easily be more of a hindrance than a help. Nevertheless Venden has one very important aspect of the Christian walk spot on! That is, the importance of overcoming sin in our lives. To illustrate this, see the link below for a copy of his talk entitled "Getting God off the Hook."

I trust you will find this material as insightful as I have. It is interesting to note that Vance Ferrell who has been helpful in decoding Venden's theology, seems to downplay the emphasis Venden places on overcoming sin. While Venden's view on how to be an overcomer may be flawed, should he not be applauded for highlighting its utmost importance? You decide...


1: Getting God off the Hook

2: Cooperation with Christ in the Work of Salavation

3: Good Works are Necessaryfor All Phases of Salvation

4: Good Works are Necessary—in Sanctification 

5: Right-Doing by Faith—Retains Our Justification and Sanctification

6. Claimed and Kept - C.D. Brooks

​6: Enter Into Life

And the following is a gem from the writings of Ellen G. White:

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